Arbitration on Claims Under
The Texas Securities Act
The city of Nacagdoches is “The Oldest City in Texas” and has a long and fascinating history with evidence of civilization going back as far as 10,000 B.C. Modern-day Nacagdoches has a population of about 33,000 and sits about 76 miles southeast of Tyler off highway 259 and 59. Our main law offices are conveniently located a short drive away from Nacadoches in nearby Tyler, ready to serve Nacagdoches residents in all matters relating to securities law.
If you are a Nacagdoches resident and you have lost more money than you expected in your investments and stocks, please review our FAQ page that explains the types of possible broker fraud. Many people don’t even know they have been defrauded and believe they just lost more money than they expected. On our FAQ page, firm founder Brian T. Forman explains different types of stockbroker and securities fraud and what to look for, including false statements or omissions, suitability, churning, unauthorized trading, mutual fund fraud, selling away, over-concentration, PONZI schemes, and failure to follow directions.
The Forman Law Firm, P.C. founder, Bryan T. Forman, has spent the majority of his career in the brokerage industry, serving as Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel for brokerage firms, which he founded. Mr. Forman is a Tyler resident and native, a member of the State Bar of Texas and of the Smith County Bar Association.
The firm’s main office is located at 117 E. Houston Street in Tyler; other Forman Law Firm, P.C. office is located in Austin. To reach our Tyler office from Nacagdoches, coming into Tyler on Hwy 64, turn right on Beckham, then left on E. Houston before Front St. From Hwy 110, follow the road in until it turns into Beckham, then turn left on E. Houston.
If you suspect that you have lost money through brokerage fraud, misconduct, or mismanagement, please contact Forman Law Firm, P.C. today for a confidential Free Case Evaluation. Call us at (866) 597-2221, email, or fill out and submit our online “Contact Us” form.